Nominate a Quilt

Quilts selected for murals must reflect historic, educational, humanitarian or environmental relevance, or have an iconic provenance to their time in history. 

The Quilt Selection Committee has developed the following guidelines on the Quilt Nomination Process:

  • Quilt Selection - to Select quilts for the murals that cover a broad spectrum of quilts - choosing a variety of techniques (pieced, appliqued, etc.) and diverse color schemes to provide a pleasing arrangement for viewing.

  • Quilt Sponsorships – a company/group/person nominates a quilt and provides the $25,000 sponsorship fee. (The committee can accept the proposed quilt; the committee may request an alternate quilt.)

  • Quilt Nominations – anyone can nominate a quilt without committing any funds. These quilts will be considered by the committee and may or may not be selected, and other sponsorships will be used to pay for these murals.

Mural Sponsorship

Paducah Quilt Murals welcomes Corporate, Group, and Individual Donor Quilt Mural Sponsorships. A portion of all donations/sponsorships will be allocated to the maintenance fund.  Note: The floodwalls are owned by the City of Paducah, who maintains the authority to repair the walls to keep the floodwaters contained.

A $25,000 Quilt Mural Sponsorship makes your business, organization, or family the lead sponsor of a chosen quilt to be painted and installed on the floodwall and would underwrite:

  • Artist and administrator fees

  • Painting materials & supplies

  • Contractor fees to clean, prep, seal/prime the floodwall and install the mural on the floodwall

  • Liability insurance & legal fees

  • Ongoing maintenance & lighting

Meet our Friends, Partners & Patrons

The Quilt City USA® Murals would not be possible without the support of our Friends, Partners & Patrons.

Individual/Guild Donations

We hope you will join us and consider an individual or guild sponsorship or donation. Any donation, large or small is appreciated.

Make a Donation

Paducah Quilt Murals Inc, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was created for the Quilt City USA® Murals Project. Your tax deductible contribution of ANY amount will help the Project celebrate the art of quiltmaking and mural painting through educational programs using the display of quilt murals and their unique place in history both nationally and internationally.

Quilts and the Stories They Tell

How It Began

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