Nominate a Quilt Name of Quilt * Quiltmaker Name * Quilter's Date of Birth Quilted by * City, State, Country Where Quilt was made Date Quilt was finished MM DD YYYY Quilt Size (inches) * Source of pattern inspiration * Original Design Pattern or Book Other Source Fabric Used * Batting Used * Embellishments Quilt Style * (select all that apply) Traditional Appliqué Modern Amish Wholecloth Historical Innovative (Original Design) Pieced (Patchwork) Sampler Baltimore Album Antique Quilt Construction * Hand pieced Machine pieced Hand appliquéd Machine appliquéd Hand quilted Machine quilted, domestic Machine quilted, longarm Fused appliquéd Other Reson Quilt was Made If this quilt has a historical, educational, or environmental provenance, please explain Awards Received for this Quilt Do you own the copyright to this Quilt? * Yes No Owner's Name * Owner's Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Owner's Email Owner's Phone (###) ### #### Quilt Nominated By * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Permission * By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by Paducah Quilt Murals. I am authorized to nominate this quilt Thank you!